Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms


Cycle Overview

Many of us want to get better at Toes to bar & Handstand Push Ups! That is why we created an 8 week progression aimed at improving your capacity with these movements while developing better skills in these areas throughout. Coach Pamela Gagnon will help lead you to another level of Gymnastics!

Day 1: Toes to Bar

Test Day: 
RECORD YOUR RESULTS. We will retest at the end of this progression in 8 weeks

Elite & RX & Scale
Max effort kipping toes to bar 1min
—rest 5 min —-


9min AMRAP
10 Ring Around the World - Example Video
20 Hanging Shrugs - Example Video
30 Lat Pull Downs - Example Video
20 Hanging Flutter Kick - Example Video
10 V Ups - Example Video

Day 2: Handstand Push Up

Test Day: RECORD YOUR RESULTS. We will retest at the end of this progression in 8 weeks

Elite & RX:
Max Effort Strict Handstand Push Up 1min
-rest 2 min-
Max Effort Kipping Handstand Push Up 1 min
—rest 5 min—

*Max Effort strict from box in 1min
then max effort handstand hold on wall for 1min


3 rounds of:
30 sec Handstand Hold [freestanding or wall]
20 Strict Dips [between boxes or dip bar]
30 Handstand Shrugs
--rest 1min between rounds---
**same for Scaled

MASTERS 55+ strict to 2in/4in riser
% of 1 RM for Strict Handstand Push Up
Day 1: % of 1 RM for Kipping Toes to Bar

Elite & RX & Scale --rest 30 sec between sets--

4 sets @20% --rest 1 min--
3 @25%
--rest 1 min--
2 @30%

--rest 2 min--

Max effort hang with FULL grip
*do not use grips for hang

For example:
1min max was 20 reps
take 4 sets @20% of 20 reps = 4 reps
then do same for the 3@25% & 2@30% = 3x5 & 2x6
*round up
**SAME FOR SCALED Day 2: % of 1 RM for Strict Handstand Push Up

Elite & RX:
--rest 30 sec between sets--
3sets @20%

Scale to BOX:
--rest 1 min--
2 @25%
--rest 1 min--
1 @30%
*goal is unbroken for each set
--rest 2 min--

RX & Scale: max effort deficit strict off box

Elite: Games athletes 1 set max effort kipping Handstand Push Up

For example:
1min max was 20 reps
take 3 sets @20% of 20 reps = 4 reps
then do same for the 2@25% & 1@30% = 2x5 & 1x6
*round up

**SCALE TO BOX Handstand Push Up

Day 1: 3 rounds of each skill: 30sec on/30 sec rest

Elite & RX
Heel Box Toes to bar
--rest 1 min--
Banded Lat Pull Downs
--rest 1 min--
Kipping Toes to bar

Start with heel box then move to banded lat etc...for 3 rounds

**For Scaled: Replace Heel Box Toes to bar to Knee Raises

Day 2:

9 min EMOM
min 1: 30 Handstand Shoulder Taps
min 2: 12-15 Russian Pushups
min 3: 12-15 Kippiing Handstand Push Up

--rest 3 min--

Complete the following:
10 sets of: freestanding or against wall headstand into handstands
*come down EACH time from handstand & start from dead stop at bottom of headstand

9 min EMOM
30 Handstand Shoulder Taps
12-15 Tricep Deficit Pushups
8-12 Handstand Push Up from Box

--rest 3 min--

Complete the following:
10 sets of: deficit strict box Handstand Push Up [use 25lb plates]


Day 1: % of 1 RM for KIpping Toes to bar

Elite & RX
--rest 30 sec between sets--
4sets @25%
--rest 90 sec--
3 @30%
--rest 90 sec--
2 @35%

---rest 2 min ---
max effort PVC Forward Wrist Rolls w 5 lb plate

**If your 1RM is 20 Toes to bar you will take % off of that.
complete 4 sets @30% & rest 30 sec between each
of the 4 sets. Then rest 90 sec before going to
3 sets @30%


Day 2: % of 1 RM for Strict Handstand Push Up

--rest 30 sec between sets--
3sets @25%
--rest 90 sec--
2 @30%
--rest 90 sec--
1 @35%

--rest 2 min--
Accumulate 50% of kipping Handstand Push Up 1min max

For example:
1min max was 20 reps
take 3 sets @25% of 20 reps
then do same for the 2 & 1
*round up

**SCALE TO BOX Handstand Push Up

Day 1: 
3 rounds:
3 reps of 3 sec tempo Strict Toes to bar on way up
immediately into
3 reps of 3 sec tempo Strict Toes to bar on way down

---rest 2min between sets & next drill---

3 max effort Kipping Toes to bar in 20 sec
--rest 40 sec between sets--

**for scaled use tuck up for temp or just get straight
legs as high as possible on the tempo count.

Day 2:
3 rounds
3 reps of 3 sec tempo Strict Handstand Push Up on way down
*regular 1 count on way up.
immediately into
3 reps of 5 sec tempo Strict Handstand Push Up on way up
*regular 1 count on way down

---rest 2min between sets & next drill---

3 max effort Kipping Handstand Push Up in 20 sec
--rest 40 sec between sets--

**for scaled use box for tempo work AND
3sets x 20 sec handstand shrugs against wall
---rest 40 sec between sets---
Day 1: % of 1 RM for Kipping Toes to bar
--rest 30 sec between sets--
4sets @30%
---rest 2 min--
3 @35%
---rest 2 min--
2 @40%

---rest 2 min---
max effort L Pops 1min

**If your 1RM is 20 Toes to bar you will do
5 sets of 6 reps & rest 30 sec between each of
the reps so it will be a total of 20 Toes to bar for the
5 sets --- then you rest 1 min & repeat with 4 sets
@35% etc...
*If numbers are not a round number, then round up

Day 2: % of 1 RM for Strict Handstand Push Up
--rest 30 sec between sets--
3sets @30%
---rest 2 min--
2 @35%
---rest 2 min--
1 @40%

---rest 2 min---
max effort: 2 sets of 30% kipping Handstand Push Up 1min max

For example:
1min max was 20 reps
take 3 sets @30% of 20 reps = 3x6
then do same for the 2@35% & 1@40% = 2x7 & 1x8
*If numbers are not a round number, then round up

**SCALE TO BOX Handstand Push Up
Day 1: 
6 min AMRAP
20 Toes to bar
20 Walking overhead Lunges 50/35
[switch arms after 10 lunges]

--rest 2 min--

Complete 50 bent over rows with empty barbell

Day 2:
8 min AMRAP
5 deficit STRICT Handstand Push Up 2in/4in
10 deficit kipping Handstand Push Up 4in/2in
50 double unders

8min AMRAP
10 deficit hspu from box
10 sec handstand hold against wall
50 double unders (OR 100 Single Unders)



Max effort kipping Toes to bar 1min

5 rounds for Time
5 CTB kipping Pullups
10 Kipping Toes to bar
5 high box jumps 30/24

max effort strict Handstand Push Up 1min
--rest 2 min--
max effort kipping Handstand Push Up 1 min

Scaled: Max effort 1min off box

8min AMRAP
4 deficit kipping Handstand Push Up 
8 russian pushups
32 handstand shoulder taps
--100m sprint--

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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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