Cycle Overview
Test yourself with this challenging Echo Bike progression! You will begin with a 5 minute max calorie test, then begin a 10 week progression including 2 workouts per week designed to build your capacity on the bike to finish the last workout with a 100/80 calorie test for time!
This progression was something special and we all saw some HUGE improvements!
Workout 1 5 sets: 5sec gradual acceleration to 100% 3sec sprint at 100% Full recovery b/t reps & sets Rest 3-5min 5-minutes at max effort Must be scored in SW by Friday, December 3 Score Record total cals Must be scored in SugarWod by Friday, December 3
Workout 1: 6x (4min moderate, 1min rest) Notes: Record your cals in your first interval. The goal is to match this same quantity of cals for intervals 2-6. Although you're allowed to look at the monitor during the 1st interval, you are only allowed to look at the monitor after finishing the subsequent 4min intervals. A perfect pace match (or zero points) occurs when your first interval cals equals your quantity of cals in the remaining intervals. A perfect pace match earn zero ("0") points. Missing by 1 cal (faster or slower) gives you 1 point. Missing by 12 cals (faster or slower) gives you 12 points. Points only accumulate. Lowest point score wins! Score: Record total points Workout 2: 6 sets: 60sec moderate 60sec fast 60sec easy No rest b/t reps or sets. Notes: The 60sec easy is your "active recovery" in this workout Score: Record total cals
Workout 1: 8 sets: 30sec fast 45sec recovery No rest b/t reps or sets Notes: The cals accumulated during the 30sec fast interval should equal the same quantity of cals in the 45sec recovery interval. Score: Record total cals Workout 2: 3 sets: 3x10sec gradual accelleration to 100% Full recovery b/t reps & sets Part 2: 5 sets: 90sec easy (recovery) 30sec moderate 20sec controlled sprint 40sec easy (standing) 20sec controlled sprint 40sec easy (standing) No rest b/t reps or sets Score: Record total cals from Part 2
Workout 1: 2x (3min moderate, 90sec rest) 30sec fast, Rest 3min 2x (2min moderate, 60sec rest) 45sec at faster pace, Rest 3min 2x (90sec moderate, 45sec rest) 60sec at max effort Score: Total cals from 60sec sprint Workout 2: 12x (2min moderate, 30sec rest) Notes: Record your cals in your first interval. The goal is to match this same quantity of cals for intervals 2-12. Although you're allowed to look at the monitor during the 1st interval, you are only allowed to look at the monitor after finishing the subsequent 2min intervals. A perfect pace match (or zero points) occurs when your first interval cals equals your quantity of cals in the remaining intervals. A perfect pace match earn zero (""0"") points. Missing by 1 cal (faster or slower) gives you 1 point. Missing by 12 cals (faster or slower) gives you 12 points. Points only accumulate. Lowest point score wins! Score: Record total points. Goal is to get fewer points than the previous 6x4min workout on Week 2
Workout 1: 5 sets: 3sec greadual acceleration to 100%, 3sec sprint at 100%, 3sec controlled sprint at 98%, Full recovery b/t sets Rest 3-5min Part 2: 4 sets: 3min fast, 2min rest, 4x (45sec moderate, 45sec easy) No add'l rest b/t reps, sets, or rounds Score: Record total cals from Part 2 Workout 2: 3 sets: 90sec moderate, 15sec sprint, 1min rest 75sec fast, 15sec sprint, 1min rest 60sec moderate, 15sec sprint, 1min rest 45sec fast, 15sec sprint, 1min rest Rest: 3min b/t sets Score: Record total cals
Workout 1: Option 1: 6x (45sec fast, 45sec easy) No rest b/t reps or sets Time: 9min Option 2 5x (60sec fast, 30sec easy) No rest b/t reps or sets Time: 7.5min Score: Record Option 1 or Option 2 Workout 2: 3min moderate, 1min rest 30sec sprint, 30sec easy, 90sec rest 2min fast, 30sec easy, 1min rest 30sec sprint, 30sec easy, 90sec rest 90sec fast No rest 30cal sprint at max effort. Score: Record 30cal time
Workout 1: Part 1: 2 sets: 3sec acceleration to goal pace, 7sec fast Rest 52sec 3sec acceleration to goal pace, 12sec fast Rest 49sec 3sec acceleration to goal pace, 17sec fast Rest 2min40sec b/t sets Part 2 (after full recovery): 3x (50/40 cals fast, 3min rest) Score: Record average time between the 3 intervals Workout 2: 5 sets: 90sec fast 90sec easy No rest b/t reps or sets Notes: The average wattage during the fast intervals should be double (2x) the easy intervals. Score: Record average watts from the slowest (least ave watts) 90sec fast interval
Workout 1: 3 sets: 5x (20/16 cal fast, 60sec easy) Rest 2min b/t sets Score: Record total workout time (do not include the rest b/t the sets) Workout 2: 5x (45sec fast, 90sec easy) Rest 2min 3x (45sec at faster pace, 90sec easy) Rest 2min 45sec at controlled sprint, 90sec easy Notes: The intensity during a controlled sprint is about 98%. Focus on retaining control of your pedaling form. Target a pace that is uncomfortable physically but reasonably comfortable emotionally. Score: Score total cals from final 45sec controlled sprint interval
Workout 1: 3 sets: 30/24 cals fast, 60sec easy 10/8 cals fast, 60sec easy Rest 2min b/t sets Score: Record total workout time (do not include the rest b/t the sets) Workout 2: 3 sets: 5x 3sec at max effort acceleration Full recovery b/t sets Part 2: 3min fast, 2min rest 3min at faster pace, 2min rest 3min at fastest pace, DONE! Notes: Average wattage in the 3min intervals must get progressively higher from the fast to faster to fastest. Athletes are allowed to look at their monitor during the ""fast"" interval. Athletes are not allowed to look at their monitors until after they finish the 3min in the faster and fastest intervals. Penalty for not going progressively faster is 10 burpees for each average wattage below the fast and faster minimum wattage target. Burpees are completed after the workout is completed. Score: Record the number of penalty burpees you accumulated from the faster and fastest intervals.
Workout: 100/80 calories for time Score: Record total time