Take 10 minutes to establish a 3 RM High Hang Snatch
3 Sets Of The Following:
5 High Hang Snatch @ 5/10 RPE
4 High Hang Snatch @ 6/10 RPE
3 High Hang Snatch @ 7/10 RPE
2 High Hang Snatch @ 8/10 RPE
1 High Hang Snatch @ 9/10 RPE
*Rest as needed in between sets.
*This is to be performed as fast as possible with 5 different bars (or someone changing your weights for you each set).
3 Tempo Snatch Pulls @ 85% 1 RM Snatch
3 Tempo Snatch Pulls @ 85% 1 RM Snatch
3 Tempo Snatch Pulls @ 85% 1 RM Snatch
3 Tempo Snatch Pulls @ 85% 1 RM Snatch
3 Tempo Snatch Pulls @ 85% 1 RM Snatch
*Normal speed up, 5 second descent and then touch and go into the next rep.