Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms

Burgener Strength

Why this track?

Mayhem Burgener Strength offers athletes a way to build strength the way Rich has throughout his CrossFit career. It will focus on making improvements in the Olympic and Power Lifts, as well as cycling heavy weights in a variety of ways. The Burgeners have build world class Olympic lifters for years and now offer it in a unique way with Mayhem. Also, Rich and Mayhem Teams do very well in events with heavier weights for a reason.

What does this track look like?

Mayhem Burgener Strength focuses on building strength how the Burgeners have and still do. This includes a heavy focus on Olympic lifting, Core & Accessory Work, classic strength training, as well as Mayhem's metcons and conditioning still offered to improve fitness as well! Each day’s strength training and workouts include warm ups, cool downs, workout notes, and videos with explanation and demonstrations that clearly explain the intended stimulus, target scores, time caps, movements, scaling options and more.

Who is this track for?

Mayhem Burgener Strength is made for individuals that are primarily looking to improve their technique and strength in the Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Press, Deadlift, Front Squat, Back Squat, and/or Overhead Squat.

This may include those who have experienced some success in workouts with gymnastics, lighter loads, and/or high metabolic conditioning, but need to improve their lifts. These individuals may struggle more with 1 rep maxes, cycling heavier weights in general, and/or moving medium to heavy loads during metcons. This track will focus on improvements in these areas!

How long will it take each day?

Most days take about 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the time of the year.

How many days of programming are there each week?

We provide programming EVERYDAY! We do follow the traditional schedule 5 days on and 2 days “off.”
Strength training and workouts are included Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Thursdays are an active recovery day (often having the option of a longer aerobic piece) and Sundays are a full rest day (with an optional, easy movement quality or cardio workout).

What should I do if I want more of a challenge?

You will have access to and can try out Mayhem Compete or What’s Rich Doing!

What should I do if this track is too advanced?

Check out our M60Mayhem Scaled, or M30 programs! They require less time and are scaled back with volume and load. You can downgrade to the Everyday Athlete Package now or anytime after sign up.

Mayhem Strength Workouts


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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