Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms

Mayhem Scaled

Why this track?

There are so many athletes who love doing CrossFit but do not quite have all of the movements nailed down. Maybe you are one of these athletes who struggles with some of the skilled movements like strict pull ups, kipping pull ups, strict hspu, kipping hspu, double unders, muscle ups, rope climbs, etc. This track is created exactly for you!

What does this track look like?

The Mayhem Scaled track is THE PREMIER track for Scaled athletes looking to take improve their current fitness.
This track will offer tailored workouts programmed each day by Rich Froning that have been modified by the Mayhem Athlete team so any athlete can perform them.
Most days will include session for skill development (example: progression to develop strict HSPU) and some combination of metcons, strength (Olympic and Power Lifts), and/or aerobic conditioning.

Each day’s workouts include warm ups, cool downs, and workout notes that clearly explain the intended stimulus, target scores, time caps, movement explanation, scaling options and more.

Who is this track for?

This track is great for any athlete who typically performs a scaled/modified version of most workouts.
This track is also made for any athlete newer to CrossFit and wants a smooth transition into the start.

What if i have never done crossfit?

While this track is made for Scaled athletes, we recommend the completely new to CrossFit athlete join a local box and learn the basic movements before jumping into this track. Our track can take your fitness to another level, but having a coach on site for the first few months of CrossFit is a great place to start before starting Mayhem Scaled.

How long will it take each day?

This track will take about 60 minutes to complete each day with some “OPTIONAL” extra pieces offered throughout the week.

How many days of programming are there each week?

We provide programming EVERYDAY! We do follow the traditional schedule of 5 days on and 2 days “off.” Workouts are included Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Thursdays are an active recovery day (often having the option of a longer cardio workout) and Sundays are a full rest day (with an optional, easy cardio workout, often a swim).

How to know if i should switch from Mayhem scaled to Mayhem Compete or Mayhem 60?

If you have been following Mayhem Scaled for at least 3 months, are easily doing all workouts as Rx’d, have seen consistent progress, and are ready for more of a challenge.


Or if you have competed in at least 1 Open Season Rx’d and are used to training for 1-2 hours for 4-5 days a week.

What should I do if this program is too advanced?

Check out our M30 track here!

Mayhem Scaled Workouts


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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