Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms

Aerobic Capacity

Why this track?

Coach Chris Hinshaw has developed the gold standard for aerobic capacity training. Rich Froning has been collaborating with Hinshaw since 2014. They have always focused on the most efficient and effective methods for building total work capacity.

Hinshaw and Froning created the Mayhem Aerobic Capacity (“MAC”) track for the recreational to competitive athlete looking to complement their existing training while creating a more well-rounded level of fitness. The success of this track is centered on a proven workout balance between volume, intensity, and recovery.

Each endurance-building workout has been designed to keep you focused and motivated while developing your cardio respiratory fitness and muscular stamina as well as improving your recovery and resistance to fatigue.

Who is this track for?

It is for those who want to build a bigger “engine.” They may struggle with aerobic capacity, being comfortable while out of breath, and/or longer workouts as a whole.

How many days of programming are there each week?

This is track includes 1 workout each day of every week. In addition, we often provide a bonus workouts. Yes, that is correct! Each day, every day has a unique workout that is specifically designed to maximize capacity. MAC athletes have the flexibility within the track to pick and choose their highest priority workouts. As example, Rich will frequently add the swim workouts into his weekly training. Athletes can complete the workouts they include at any time within their existing training schedule. Remember, be selective and take rest days when needed because this program includes a huge collection of workout options.

The Mayhem Aerobic Capacity track include combinations of Run, Bike, Swim, Row, Ski, Bonus, Test, and Challenge workouts at various distances, intensities and recoveries each week so that athletes are best prepared for the unknown and unknowable.

How long does the typical training session take each day?

Hinshaw and Froning designed the Mayhem Aerobic Capacity program so that almost every workout can be completed in 1 hour or less!

Occasionally, the track will include some shorter, high intensity, “speed” focused workouts as well as an occasional longer, low intensity, aerobic capacity “recovery” workouts.

What equipment do I need to follow this track?

· Bike Workouts: Assault, Echo, or Airdyne Bike & Concept2 BikeErg or stationary bike.


· Row Workouts: Assault or Concept2 Rower.


· Swim Workouts: Any lap swimming pool and the following equipment: Stopwatch or timer; Swim Fins; Kickboard; and Pull-Buoy.


· Run Workouts: Any track, open road, or trail as well as the Assault AirRunner, TrueForm, any motorized treadmill.


· Ski Workout: Concept2 SkiErg

What should I do if this track is too advanced?

Check out our M60Mayhem Scaled, or M30 track! They require less time and are scaled back with volume and load compared to Mayhem Strength. You can downgrade to Everyday Athlete Program at anytime!

What should I do if I want more of a challenge?

You will have access to and can try out Mayhem Compete or What’s Rich Doing!

Aerobic Capacity Workouts

Stand Alone Progressions

Echo Bike Progression

10 Weeks

5K Run Program

10 Weeks

Mile Run Program

12 Weeks


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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