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Everyday Hero Games

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Calling All Everyday Heroes and Competitors

The 2024 Mayhem Athlete Everyday Hero Games is an online competition to honor the men and women who have taken an oath to protect, defend, and educate their country, state or city at all costs; those who have dedicated their lives to educating the next generation for a better future, and the medical professionals who are on the front lines of our hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices.

In an effort to constantly improve, and after the overwhelming participation last year, we are expanding the 2024 Everyday Hero Games to a two-part competition.


Part One

An online competition from May 1-6. The top male and female athlete from the Chief (or RX) division from each Hero category will be invited to advance to the Part Two portion of the competition.

In Person

Part two

An in-person, one-day team competition at CrossFit Mayhem in Cookeville, Tennessee, where we will name the Fittest Everyday Hero on Saturday, June 22. The Top 2 athletes will compete as a team representing their respective division.

Who is eligible?

We consider the following professions, active duty or veteran, Everyday Heroes and eligible to participate in the Mayhem Athlete Everyday Hero Games:

Law Enforcement
Ready to register and throw down?
If you are currently a Mayhem Athlete and fall into one of the eligible category, we will be sending out a code in app that will allow you to register for free. If you are not a Mayhem Athlete and fall into one of the divisions listed, you are still encouraged to participate for a sign-up fee of $20 + processing fees.

Event Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for the prize?

Any Firefighter, Law-Enforcement Officer, First Responders, Military Personnel, Medical Professional and Educators are eligible to sign up and post scores in their specific division leaderboard.

All workouts must be completed exactly as “Chief” is written in order for your scores to be eligible for the prizes.

All potential prize winners must be able to submit a video recording of their workout that matches the score they submitted on Strongest. 

*The Top Male and Female from each service category will advance to Part 2. Part 2 participants will be emailed with details regarding the in-person competition and travel.

WHICH Workout Division SHOULD I DO?

Common Movements:
Concept 2 Rower
Double Unders
Burpee to a target
Burpee over a box (24/20)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Wallballs at 20/14lbs over a 10/9ft target


Barbell Movements to include:
Cleans at 185/125lbs

Bench Press at 135/95lbs
Snatches at 135/95lbs
Front Squats at 155/105lbs
Back Squats at 185/125lbs
Shoulder to Overhead at 135/95lbs


Gymnastic Movements to include:
Toes to bar

Strict Pull Ups
Kipping Pull Ups
Handstand Pushups

Dumbbell Movements with 2x50’s/2x35’s to include:
Farmers Hold Lunge
Front Rack Lunge
Front Squats
Devil’s Press
Hang Cleans
Shoulder to Overhead


Movement standards for In-Person Part 2 will include all movements that would typically be seen at CF Semi-Finals.

If you are unable to complete any of the movements as prescribed or at the weights listed above, please register for the Officer Division.


Only if you plan on submitting a score for a potential prize. We do encourage the use of a judge, if available, to help with ensuring proper movement standards and accurate rep counting. 

Can I win a prize if I complete Officer as written?

No, in order to be eligible for the prize, you must complete the Chief division of the events exactly as written (no substitutions)

Are travel costs for part two covered by Mayhem?

For the winners of each occupation category, Mayhem will cover a portion of the travel expenses for part two. Winners will be emailed will more details following part one. 


The top 5 from each division will need to provide proof of service. This will be requested after leaderboards are finalized, along with workout videos.

What if I do not fall into one of the divisions listed?

The Everyday Hero Games is primarily written and intended for our “Everyday Heroes” - including Firefighter, Law-Enforcement Officer, First Responders, Military Personnel, Medical Professional and Educators. 

How do I submit my video / requirements?

We will only require video submissions from the Top 5 Athletes (Male and Female) from each division. If you believe you will likely be a Top 5 finisher in any of the workouts, record your workout and submit your video link with your score on Strongest. Please have them posted to YouTube if we request the link/video.

What do I need to include in my video?

Equipment, clock and yourself

Will there be Scorecards, Floor Layouts and Movements Standards?

We will release Scorecards and Movement Standards along with the Events on May 1st at 2pm CT.

There will not be Floor Layouts this year. 


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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