Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms



Levels of programming?

What's Rich Doing - Mayhem Compete – Mayhem Aerobic Capacity – Mayhem Burgener Strength - Mayhem Masters - Mayhem Teens

Everyday Athlete
Mayhem 60 – Mayhem Scaled - Mayhem 30 (Bodyweight & Minimal) - Mayhem Bodybuilding

What programs do I get access to when I purchase one of the a program?

Competitor: All of them!

Everyday Athlete: 
Mayhem 60, Mayhem Scaled, & Mayhem 30 (Bodyweight & Minimal), Mayhem Bodybuilding

What are the prices of each program?

Competitor: $49.95/month


Everyday Athlete: $19.95/month

Do you offer a military or first responder discount?

Yes! We offer a 10% discount for both!

Please email us from your active duty or first responder email (or email us some other type of proof) at BEFORE you purchase your program and we will give you the discount code to use at checkout.

How do I cancel my membership?

You can cancel in the SugarWOD app at anytime!

No email required. Just follow these instructions.

How many days a week is programming?

What’s Rich Doing (WRD): 7

*This is usually 7 days of training each week with 1-2 of those days being more focused on aerobic work and/or swimming. This varies slightly depending on the time of the year with regards to competing and Rich’s travel schedule. It really does follow what Rich does each day 365 days of the year!


Mayhem Aerobic Capacity:  7


All other programs (Mayhem Compete, Mayhem Scaled, Mayhem Burgener Strength, Mayhem Masters, Mayhem Teens, Mayhem 60, Mayhem 30, Mayhem Bodybuilding): 6
*Almost all of our programs have 6 days of workouts each week with Thursdays being active recovery and Sundays a complete rest day.

Do you have any instructional content to go along with programming?

Yes! We offer daily live classes that you can access in app along with a video of Rich (or the Mayhem Athlete team) explaining each workout. This goes along with the in depth workout notes provided each day!
Once you sign up, you will be granted access to where you get a library including all of our daily videos!

How long does training typically take each day?


Mayhem Compete: 2-4 hours
Mayhem Masters & Teens: 1.5-3 hours

Mayhem Burgener Strength: 1.5-2.5 hours

Mayhem Aerobic Capacity: 1 hour

What’s Rich Doing:2-4 hours
This program varies the most as Rich’s volume can be very high and fluctuate depending on the time of the year

Everyday Athlete:

Mayhem Scaled: 60 minutes

Mayhem 60: 60 minutes

Mayhem 30: 30 minutes

Mayhem Bodybuilding: 60-90 minutes

When is programming released each week?

The entire 7 day training week will be available Sunday of each week by 3:00 p.m. CST. on the SugarWOD app.

If I only have 1 session to train and there are 2 sessions, what should I do?

We offer multiple programs that have just 1 session (Mayhem Scaled, Mayhem Burgener Strength, Mayhem Aerobic Capacity, Mayhem 60, Mayhem Bodybuilding and Mayhem 30).


If you are in a program with 2 sessions and only have limited time but still want to follow that program (WRD, Mayhem Compete, Mayhem Teens or Mayhem Masters), start with the session that has the most things you need to work on as an athlete and attack that. If you finish that session and still have time, start the next session’s programming as long as you can maintain form and keep a moderate level of intensity with the metcons. 

What makes Mayhem Athlete unique from other resources offering online programming?

Our programs are programmed by Rich Froning and the Mayhem Athlete Team. No other entity within the CrossFit or fitness community has seen the level of success as CrossFit Mayhem. A large part of this is because of the unparalleled programming that exists within our community. We offer Mayhem Athlete programming so anyone and everyone can have access to our programming and help you improve your fitness.

What is the difference in Mayhem compete and “What’s Rich Doing”?

Many of the workouts in Compete are from workouts Rich does in a previous week and improves upon (or slightly modifies) the workout for those following this program. The overall volume is slightly less in Compete than the program “What’s Rich Doing” - which is exactly what Rich does. Compete also has skilled gymnastics but not quite to the volume or degree in “What’s Rich Doing” (for example: less pegboards and Handstand Walk Obstacles). Compete is best for those looking to make a Sanctional or who compete in local competitions regularly, while those looking to make the Games should follow “What’s Rich Doing” OR follow Compete and sprinkle in workouts from other programs (Mayhem Aerobic Capacity, Mayhem Burgener Strength, and/or What's Rich Doing).

What if I love following your programming and want to come workout with you guys?

Sign up here for our next Train with Rich!


You are also welcome to come and sign up here for a drop in anytime at CrossFit Mayhem!

Does Mayhem Athlete offer additional content besides programs for fitness?

Yes! We offer a weekly Mayhem Mindset within our programming piece to focus your mindset each week.
We also offer much more content with our Youtube Channel, Instagram page, and monthly newsletters.

When I sign up for a program, how do I receive and view the programming/workouts?

You will receive an email with login and instructions from SugarWOD and Mayhem Athlete.

If I have questions about a specific movement or workout what should I do?
What equipment do I need to follow Mayhem Athlete programming?

Mayhem Compete, Mayhem Scaled, Mayhem Burgener Strength, Mayhem Masters, & Mayhem Teens: Barbell, Bumper Plates (45s-35s-25s-15s-10s-5s), Box, Jump Rope, Pull Up Rig, Squat Rack, Bench, Dumbbells (35s-50s-70s-100s. If you have just one set, you can make do.) Kettlebell (35-53-70. If you have just one, you can make do.), Rings, Med ball (20/14), Assault Bike, Sled and Rower

Mayhem 60:
 Barbell, Bumper Plates (45s-35s-25s-15s-10s-5s), Box, Jump Rope, Pull Up Bar, Dumbbells (2x50s/2x35s), Kettlebell (53/35), Med ball (20/14), Rack (only for heavy squats/presses)
*Cardio machine, Rings for Muscle Ups, and a Rope Climb station are all nice to have, but not a must have.

Mayhem 30:

Bodyweight: None!! (May use 41” Resistance Band for certain movements if desired)
Minimal: Jump Rope, Box and 1-2 Dumbbells (50/35)

Mayhem Bodybuilding:
Barbell, Bumper Plates (45s-35s-25s-15s-10s-5s), Rack, Bench, Cable Machine, Box, Pull Up Bar, Resistance Band, Dumbbells (50s/35s), Kettlebell (53/35), GHD

Mayhem Aerobic Capacity: 
Assault, Echo, or Airdyne Bike & Concept2 BikeErg or stationary bike. Concept2 or Assault Rower. Any track, open road, or trail. Concept2 SkiErg. Pool Access.

What’s Rich Doing: All of it.
But seriously, you need anything that would be in a fully equipped CrossFit Gym and a few more pieces of equipment. For equipment that most CrossFit gyms may not have, we offer the our Scaling Doc!


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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