Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms

How does it work?

Transform your workouts into cold, hard cash in our January Fitness Challenge.

Three Simple Steps


If you’re already a Mayhem Athlete subscriber, congratulations – you’re automatically enrolled! Just log a minimum of 5 workouts a week from any track within the Mayhem Athlete app to stay in the game. Simply log your results in the Mayhem Athlete app to track your progress.


No problem! Head to the Mayhem Athlete App, scroll to the bottom of the relevant track, and leave a comment. Our coaches are dedicated to providing prompt responses to guide you through your fitness journey.


Can I participate in the workouts if I don’t have equipment?

Yes - check out our M30 Bodyweight and Minimal workouts.

Is there a difference between the SugarWOD app and the Mayhem Athlete app?

The Mayhem Athlete app is a part of our partnership with SugarWOD. You will essentially see the exact same information, but using the Mayhem Athlete app will ensure you only see Mayhem Athlete related information and allows our logo on your Home Screen.

What if I win the $10,000 and live outside of the US?

Then you will get the $10,000 less the taxes that the US will legally draw from it before paying to you. Unfortunately, we are unable to wire to the countries of Russia or Africa due to U.S. bans on transfers to those countries.

Do I have to pay $10,000 on the taxes if I live in the US?


What counts as a social media post?

Posts must be made to your main profile or grid. Due to the disappearing nature of stories they do not count toward your total.

*What if I previously had a free trial?

The free month is only offered to new subscribers. If you have previously had a free trial with us, your payments will start immediately.


Join thousands of athletes all over the world to kick off the 2024 year with a bang!

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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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