Partner Workout: 60 Box Jump Overs (24/20) (split) 25 Synchro Toes to Bar (OR 50 Hanging Knee Raise) 40 Handstand Push-ups (split) (OR 60 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 25 Synchro Toes to Bar (OR 50 Hanging Knee Raise) 60 Box Jump Overs (24/20) (split)
The Thunder Rolls
4 sets: (Evey 5:00) 15/10 Calorie Row 10 GHD Sit Ups w/6in Riser (OR 20 Alt. Leg V-Up) 10 Pull-ups (OR 20 Banded Pull Ups)
Open Arms
5 Sets AMRAP 3 Minutes 15 Bench Press (115/80) Max Distance Calorie Row -Rest 1 Minute b/t sets- *Repeat From: July 9, 2021
Howdy Partner
Partner Throwdown 16/12 Calorie Echo Bike (each, at the same time) 4 Rope Climbs (split) (OR 12 Strict Pull Up OR 20 Banded Strict Pull Up) 50 deadlifts (205/125) (split) 4 Rope Climbs (split) (OR 12 Strict Pull Up OR 20 Banded Strict Pull
The Black Pearl
For time: 1km Echo Bike 15 Toes to Bar (OR 30 Hanging Knee Raises) 30 Dumbbell Snatches (35/20) 15 Toes to Bar (OR 30 Hanging Knee Raises) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) *Sub 2km Assault Bike for Echo Bike (OR 1km Run) for Rx'd.
Man In Black
50 Double Unders (OR 75 Single Unders) 10 Handstand Push Ups (OR 20 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 50 Double Unders (OR 75 Single Unders) 10 Handstand Push Ups (OR 20 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 50 Double Unders (OR 75 Single Unders)
Almond Joy
4 Sets (1 set every 5 Minutes) 15/12 Calorie Bike Erg SPRINT (each at the same time) 10 Synchro Back Squats (155/105) *Sub any machine for Cal Bike Erg.
60 Synchro Toes-to-bar (OR 100 Hanging Knee Raise) *every time one person breaks, each partner performs a 25’ Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge (35/26) [alternate arms each round] *For individual version, perform the same but no synchro.
5 Sets 400m row (OR 300m run) 40 double under (OR 80 Single Under) -rest 0:45 between sets-
Closing In
10 minute EMOM: odd minute: 10 GHD Situps w/6in Riser (OR 15 abmat sit ups) even minute: 1 Rope Climb (OR 5 Strict Pull Ups)