Mayhem Athlete CrossFit Mayhem Buffalo Brew Coffee Mayhem Mission Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Froning Farms


Partner Workout: 60 Box Jump Overs (24/20) (split) 25 Synchro Toes to Bar (OR 50 Hanging Knee Raise) 40 Handstand Push-ups (split) (OR 60 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 25 Synchro Toes to Bar (OR 50 Hanging Knee Raise) 60 Box Jump Overs (24/20) (split)

4 sets: (Evey 5:00) 15/10 Calorie Row 10 GHD Sit Ups w/6in Riser (OR 20 Alt. Leg V-Up) 10 Pull-ups (OR 20 Banded Pull Ups)

5 Sets AMRAP 3 Minutes 15 Bench Press (115/80) Max Distance Calorie Row -Rest 1 Minute b/t sets- *Repeat From: July 9, 2021

Partner Throwdown 16/12 Calorie Echo Bike (each, at the same time) 4 Rope Climbs (split) (OR 12 Strict Pull Up OR 20 Banded Strict Pull Up) 50 deadlifts (205/125) (split) 4 Rope Climbs (split) (OR 12 Strict Pull Up OR 20 Banded Strict Pull

For time: 1km Echo Bike 15 Toes to Bar (OR 30 Hanging Knee Raises) 30 Dumbbell Snatches (35/20) 15 Toes to Bar (OR 30 Hanging Knee Raises) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) *Sub 2km Assault Bike for Echo Bike (OR 1km Run) for Rx'd.

50 Double Unders (OR 75 Single Unders) 10 Handstand Push Ups (OR 20 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 50 Double Unders (OR 75 Single Unders) 10 Handstand Push Ups (OR 20 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 50 Double Unders (OR 75 Single Unders)

4 Sets (1 set every 5 Minutes) 15/12 Calorie Bike Erg SPRINT (each at the same time) 10 Synchro Back Squats (155/105) *Sub any machine for Cal Bike Erg.

5 Sets 400m row (OR 300m run) 40 double under (OR 80 Single Under) -rest 0:45 between sets-

10 minute EMOM: odd minute: 10 GHD Situps w/6in Riser (OR 15 abmat sit ups) even minute: 1 Rope Climb (OR 5 Strict Pull Ups)


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials