AMRAP 20 minutes 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike 10 Dumbbell Bench Press (2x35/20) 3 Strict Pull Ups
Times Square Ball Drop
4-8-12-16-12-8-4 Pull Ups (OR 2x Banded Pull Ups) GHD Sit Ups w/6in Riser (OR 2x Alt. Leg V-Up) *2 Wall Walks after each round
Cindy Lou Who
AMRAP 20 Minutes 3 Pull Ups (OR 6 Banded Pull Ups) 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats
18-12-6 (Female: 15-9-3) Calorie Assault Bike Hang Power Cleans (95/65) -Rest 4 Min- 18-12-6 (Female: 15-9-3) Calorie Assault Bike 15-9-3 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) *Sub Echo Bike 15-9-3 (Female: 12-7-3) for Rx’d if needed
Barney Rubble
30 Toes to Bar (OR 60 Hanging Knee Raises) 25 Burpee to Bar (6” reach) 20 Handstand Push Ups (OR 30 Seated DB Strict Press 35/20) 15 Burpee Pull Ups (OR 10 Bar Muscle Ups) 5 Rope Climbs (OR 10 Zombie Rope Climbs)
Wednesday Addams
2 sets: 1-1-2-2-3-3 Deadlifts (185/125) Wall Walks -rest 2:00 b/t sets-
Water is Wild
4 Sets: (1 set every 6 minutes) 150m Run 10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (1x35/20) (24”/20”) 10 GHD Sit Ups w/6in Riser (OR 20 Alt. Leg V-Up) 10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (1x35/20) (24”/20”) 150m Run
German Shepherd
AMRAP 3 Minutes 2 Wall Walks 8 GHD SIt Ups w/6in Riser (OR 16 Alt. Leg V-Up) -rest 2 Minutes- AMRAP 3 Minutes 24 Double Unders (OR 48 Single Under) 2 Wall Walks -rest 2 Minutes- AMRAP 3 Minutes 8 GHD SIt Ups w/6in Riser (OR 16 Alt. Leg
California Roll
2 Sets 20 Double Unders (OR 40 Single Under) 10 GHD SIt Ups w/6in Riser (OR 20 Alt. Leg V-Up) 5 Burpee Pull Ups (at max reach) 10 GHD Sit Ups w/6in Riser (OR 20 Alt. Leg V-Up) 20 Double Unders (OR 40 Single Under) -Rest
Jackie Pro
Partner Throwdown 1,000-m row (each at the same time) 60 thrusters (75/55) 30 Burpee Pull Ups *Row must be done under 3:45 for males and 4:20 for the women Individual Version: Partner Throwdown Friday 1,000-m row 30 thrusters (75/55) 15 Burpee Pull Ups *Row must be done under 3:45 for
Hawaiian Pizza
6 sets (1 Set Every 4 minutes) 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike (OR 12/9 Calorie Echo Bike) 7 Devil Press (2x35/20)
For Time: 35 Dumbbell Snatches (35/25) 25 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Burpee Pull Ups 25 Wall Balls (20/14) 35 Dumbbell Snatches (35/25)